Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting, available on the Board’s website2 . Classroom teachers use a variety of assessment methods to monitor student achievement including daily observation, pencil/paper tasks, projects, presentations, performance-based assessment tasks, response journals, learning logs, quizzes and end of unit tests. We also have many other measures of student achievement. Primary teachers assess the reading abilities of their students in the fall and in the spring using PM Benchmarks and La trousse d’évaluation en lecture de GB+. Grade 3 and Grade 6 students participate in the provincial testing (EQAO). Students are involved in various performances related to their learning, including English and French public speaking, choir and band productions. This information, combined with report cards marks, daily observations of student performance, a variety of demographic factors and numerous other sources, gives us a sound base from which we can better determine the direction and focus for our School’s Improvement Plan for Student Achievement.
School Improvement Plans (SIPSA) and Initiatives
Our School Improvement Plan focuses primarily on Literacy and Numeracy. This year our focus emphasizes Numeracy. We will continue to focus on the 3-part lesson as a teaching strategy in all subject areas. This year we are also exploring the use of proactive circles as a way to encourage students to share ideas and answers in a safe and respectful environment. Teachers participate in various Staff Development activities, share their ideas, and jointly select resources to support their teaching and modify the strategies to teach strands of reading, writing and mathematics. In particular we are focusing on developing problem-solving skills, critical thinking and inquiry-based learning.
Our focus on Literacy includes initiatives such as the implementation of the Balanced Literacy program using shared and guided reading and writing at the primary, junior and intermediate levels. Assessment and evaluation is also a key component of our plan as teachers use assessments to inform their instructional practice. We have also established a Literacy Resource Room in which teachers can access resources for their classrooms. This room has evolved to include Writing materials and Character Education-related literature, as well as Mathematical professional resources.
Our School Improvement Plan would not be complete without mentioning the importance of our focus on School Culture. Here at HLES, we believe that an in-school emphasis on character building, health, and active participation both in and out of the classroom, will help support our students’ achievement in all areas. This year, we continue our Safe and Caring initiative by supporting our students’ character development. We have established a Healthy Schools Committee in response to the Ministry’s new Food and Beverage Policy. The role of the Committee is to monitor the foods offered for sale in the school and ensure they are in compliance with the Ministry’s nutritional requirements.