Traffic, Pick Up/Drop Off and Parking Notes
![School Zone sign](/uploads/9461/School Zone Sign/1738353284-280w_School Zone Sign.jpg)
With the reopening of schools this September, there are a few challenges around traffic during morning drop offs and end of day pickups for families. We would like to provide the following information to parents and guardians to consider. Please keep in mind that all of these laws are in place to ensure everyone's safety:
- Drivers must stop for a school crossing guard and wait for them to clear the intersection.
- Please make a complete stop at stop signs and, for safety, ensure that no students are making a dash to cross.
- Vehicles are not allowed to park within 15m of an intersection. This is primarily to ensure safe sight lines and room for vehicles to negotiate the intersection safely.
- Driveways cannot be blocked, nor can vehicles park within 1.5 m of a driveway.
- Please obey all parking signage.
- Please obey all no stopping signage, particularly adjacent to school crosswalks.
- U-turns are not allowed in front of the school on Sunview Drive - please obey this signage.
Anyone who has concerns about the traffic in the area of their school can go to the Ottawa Police website at to make a complaint. When you scroll down, you will see the “Popular Pages” section on the home page. You can select "File a Police Report", then click on “Start Report” at the bottom of the new page, and then select “Traffic Complaint” from the list of incident types. If there are concerns about parking please contact the city at 311.
We want to keep all of our students and families safe in and around the school, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call at the school.
Thank you!